Magic Of Bath with Natural Ingredients
DIY,  Guide

Magic Of Bath : Rejuvenating & Relaxing Bath Recipes

Guest Post By Nisha Singh

Hydrotherapy, also called water-cure is a modern term but it is in practice from older times. According to ancient remedies people used to take hot water baths to clean, reflect and repair their skin. Hot water naturally enhances healing and soothes your skin. Before going to bed my grandma always take bath because it aids sleep by lowering body temperature.  Today’s exciting post shares 6 amazing bath recipes which you can simply make at home and by using natural products.

1. Lightening Milk Baths

Milk is easily available in our home it helps to exfoliate dead cells leaving your skin clean and beautiful. It also aids in moisturizing and reducing inflammation.

Nourishing Honey and Milk Bath

For this bath formula I add 4 tablespoons honey, 1 quart boiling water, 4-5 drops lavender oil and 1 cup fresh milk. Mix honey and milk in boiling water until the honey dissolves. After this add the honey milk mixture and oil to your warm bath.

Milk Bath
Milk Bath

Whitening Milk and lemon Bath

This is my favourite formula it instantly make my skin soft and glowing. For making whitening milk bath I used to add 2 cups of milk and 2-3 spoons lemon juice. Mix milk in water tub and then add lemon.

Papaya Milk Bath

For making papaya milk recipe you have to add 1 cup papaya (paste), 1 tablespoon honey and 2 cups fresh milk or powdered milk. I hang muslin bag containing this mixture in my bath tub, you can also pour it directly.

2. Coconut Bath

Coconut oil is frozen at room temperature; I use it as body cleanser and moisturizer. You can simply cut it up into small bath cubes while you get your long dip allow them to dissolve. It prevents fungal infections and also cures athlete’s foot naturally.

Coconut Bath
Coconut Bath

3. Rose Water Aromatic Bath

Roses are very charming their vibrant color and soothing aroma refresh my body and mind. For making Rose fragrant bath you have to take 1 cup of whole milk, add 1 cup honey and few drops of Rose oil in it. Milk and honey will moisturize and tighten your skin pores. Pour all the ingredients to warm water. Relax in the bathtub for next 30 minutes and enjoy warm dreamland.

4. Refreshing Orange Bath

Its winter and Orange are easily available in market so you should try this. Take dried peel powder or remove peels from oranges in a big bowl, boil them and wait till the water level falls to half, then smash the orange peels in the water. After this I strain water and squash the peels to extract all the remaining water. Pour orange water into steam tub. Soak in water for some time and you will feel active with radiance on your skin.

5. Aloe Vera Bath

Aloevera Bath
Aloevera Bath

There are certain ways to have a complete bath that can relax you. One of such ways is the Aloe Vera bath formula that would surely make you feel much calm. For this you take 1 spoon Greeted ginger And 2 spoons of Aloe Vera gel, I take fresh aloe vera you can also buy it from market. Then add any essential oil’s few drops in this mixture, pour all the ingredients to hot tub and enjoy your shower.

Soaking in a warm aromatic tub is an erotic pleasure, offering moments to heal, rejuvenate and refresh body. The best thing about these mixtures is that you know what goes into your tub without worrying about chemicals and water pollution so you should try these bath formulas.

6. Baking Soda and Peppermint Bath

Peppermint Baking Soda Bath
Peppermint Baking Soda Bath

We all have baking soda in the kitchen cupboard for baking; you can use it for its superb cleansing action. Baking soda act like magnet and pull out toxins. Soda smells very bad so I can add peppermint oil to overcome it; you can use any aromatic oil. Baking soda will revitalize your skin by killing bacteria and fungi. It doesn’t dissolve completely in water therefore exploit skin.


Hope you liked these bath recipes.

Until next time, XOXO


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