Skin Crimes

7 Ways You Might Be Hurting Your Skin

I am writing a lot of reviews for skin care products and makeup here, but I don’t intend you to take me as an expert. I have been experimenting with skin care & makeup from years, and over this period of time, I have learned a lot of lessons. The most basic lesson was to never over do anything. So today I will talk about what you should not be doing at all. Easy? Read on.

1. Over Cleaning or Over Scrubbing

This is a very common mistake committed by most of us to achieve clean skin. There is no harm to keep your skin clean, but never over do it. Since over cleaning will definitely rip it off of the natural oil which will make you skin age sooner. Make sure to use foaming facials less during winters.

We like scrubbing, even I am a huge fan. We like harsh scrubs. the harsher the better. But it’s wrong. Facial skin is so thin we hurt it little bit every time we use a harsh scrub. A gentle scrub will do fine for that matter. Also if you feel like using a scrub everyday, get the mildest. Also you can try glycolic acid/salicylic acid face washes which does not have any scrubbing particles but they exfoliate your skin at a micro level.

2. Washing Your Face In Shower

What’s the harm? It’s convenient to wash your face while a shower is running on top of your head. I am sorry but it’s wrong. You are supposed to wash your face after you are done with your head bath and shower, because, the water flows from the top of your head to your face, which might contain undesired head oils, shampoo or conditioner traces and you don’t want that to get deposited on your face. Hence wash your face afterwords to get rid of anything that is sitting on your face. That’s what sinks are for.

3. Not Using A Product Suitable To Your Skin Type

Its another crime you commit to your own skin. Every skin type is different and you must choose your skin care accordingly, be it a cleanser or a moisturiser or a night cream. If you have dry skin and you use a foaming face wash, this will further make it drier and dull also will push it towards premature ageing.  Similarly using heavy duty moisturisers might break out oily and acne prone skin. Read reviews of every product before you buy it. That’s why there are so many beauty and skin care blogs, for you to choose the right product.

Even though you think you might be using a product that is targeted to your skin type, but season & environment are also important deciding the effect of the product on your skin. Your skin will tell you. It might show redness/ allergies/ breakouts or dullness. You must adhere to the change your skin wants. Change the product or stop using it for some time until your skin gets back to normal mode.

4. Ignoring Hands & Feet

An everyday woman is like that. She might care for her face but would forget her hands & feet are exposed to the environment and needs pampering too. The least you can do is to nourish them before you go to sleep, to replenish the lost moisture.

5. Chasing After The White Skin Tone

We may deny it, but we do. Because we have experienced the fairer the better. So we run after achieving lighter skin tone. It’s just not possible by applying any cosmetic product. Yeah there might be some clinical procedure which might do it, but we just harm our skin when we put some chemical while trying to achieve a whiter skin tone. There might be short lived changes that could be achieved by using some very dangerous chemicals (while we are not informed by the product company). It’s not wise. This is the worst thing you can do to your skin.

6. Choosing Lighter Makeup Than Your Skin Tone

Makeup is another way we try to look we are not originally. Don’t get offended. But it’s true, even I do so. We all do. Makeup was invented to do so. But there are limits. Makeup too has tones for some reason. Choose the right shade or tone of your base makeup matching to your own skin tone. Going lighter by a shade might not be bad always but most of the base makeup varies a lot by shade change. Hence You must stick to your skin tone shade only. Other wise your face may look white or grey depending on the undertones of your skin and makeup, while your body will say some different story.

7. Blindly Follow A Trend

Instagram , Snapchat, YouTube or Facebook for that matter, they are so popular for introducing new trends be it skin care, makeup of fashion. But as I have said earlier, not every thing is for everybody. Think before you adopt something new. Just because every body else is doing it, you are not obliged to do it. You have a right to let it go, because you just don’t feel it’s right for you. Brands bring out their irresistible models flaunting the latest skin care or blusher but make sure you need it and it will suit you.

I hope you all understand my intend. I am writing this because, these are some basic things to keep i mind to achieve a healthy skin.

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Don’t forget, Stay High, Stay Fab.

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